Postgraduate studies

I have thought about studying a technical career, in some future, when I finish studying journalism, who knows when. I’m interested in something related to cameras, such as audiovisual production.
I don’t want to continue my studies with a magister or a postgraduate course because I don’t know if I love my career enough to do it. But if I liked something about studying journalism it has been working with cameras, so I also thought about studying to be a cameraman.
I would like to have subjects that will teach me to perfectly handle the necessary equipment, as well as other with wich I can learn to edit videos professionally and quickly.
I would obviously like to study abroad to know other cultures, but I don’t think that is the most convenient nor strictly necessary, so I would study here in Chile. I suppose that to study a technical career it is necessary to attend face to face classes, so I would like to study in some normal institute. Also, if I want to learn how to handle specialized equipment, it would be best if someone to teach me how to do it directly, to learn in a practical way.
It’s not my dream job or something I definitely want to do, but I find it entertaining to be the one behind the camera that shows the journalist.


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