
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019

My favorite book

I don’t know if I have a favorite author, I don’t usually follow the career of a specific one, but I love Game of Thrones. I watched the whole serie and I’m a big fan, for my last birthday I received the first book and I loved it. I haven’t read the rest of the saga but I’m sure it’s just as good, so I could say that George R.R. Martin, the author of the saga, is my favorite author. This is just the kind of books I like to read, with stories about adventure and fantasy, but the truth is that I enjoy all fiction novels, they are my favorite books. Some time ago I read a saga of books written by Francisco Ortega; this autor works a lot with the theme of historical conspiracies, so his stories combine reality with fiction.   The last book I read is one of them, “Logia”, the second of the saga. I recommend it, it’s a very interesting book, full of suspense and mystery, wich makes it very entertaining to read. Also, despite being a fiction story based on a conspiracy theory, I learned

My favorite movie

I don’t consider myself a great movie expert, my favorites are action and science fiction movies, especially the superhero movies. The movies about Batman or Superman are ok to me, but my true passion are Marvel movies. The first one I saw was Iron Man 2, I saw it on a television channel as a child and, besides starting with my addiction, Tony Stark became my favorite character of all movies. I obviously like all Avengers movies, and I suffered a lot with the culmination of them, Avengers Endgame, but my favorite of all is Capitán América: Civil War. What I like about that movie is that, in addition to the appearance of many superheroes, a conflict appears inside the Avengers team. Also, they introduce for the first time in the movies great superheroes: Spiderman and Black Panther. The most recent movie I saw it has nothing to do with this same theme, it’s an anime movie called The end of Evangelion. I liked it a lot because I liked the anime serie so I recommend it, al

The best holidays ever!

The best holidays of my entire life were last summer. In January of this year I traveled  to the north of Chile with my girlfriend, first we went to Antofagasta, where we were four days. It’s not the most beatiful city, but we really enjoyed it, we went out to eat in beatiful places every day and we liked to go to the beach to sunbathe, swim and eat ice cream. I was surprised that all the beaches are artificial. Then, we went to San Pedro de Atacama on the last day. We wanted to go for two days but we missed the bus and the next one did’t leave until the next morning. That place is amazing, although we had Little time to tour, I loved the desert landscape. We had to chew coca leaf to prevent altitude sickness, the leaf taste horrible, but we still enjoy it very much. We were very lucky because we left just beforeit the altiplanic winter began, the rest of the tourists couldn’t get out of there until the rain stopped.