
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2019

Postgraduate studies

I have thought about studying a technical career, in some future, when I finish studying journalism, who knows when. I’m interested in something related to cameras, such as audiovisual production. I don’t want to continue my studies with a magister or a postgraduate course because I don’t know if I love my career enough to do it. But if I liked something about studying journalism it has been working with cameras, so I also thought about studying to be a cameraman. I would like to have subjects that will teach me to perfectly handle the necessary equipment, as well as other with wich I can learn to edit videos professionally and quickly. I would obviously like to study abroad to know other cultures, but I don’t think that is the most convenient nor strictly necessary, so I would study here in Chile. I suppose that to study a technical career it is necessary to attend face to face classes, so I would like to study in some normal institute. Also, if I want to learn how to handle s

My future job

Because I’m studying journalism, I would like to get a job related to that, obviously. My favorite area of journalism is the sports journalism and I wish I could work watching and talking about sports. I imagine going every weekend to different football stadiums and enjoying the matches of all the teams in the world just meters from the players. Then I would write about what I saw in the game, because I prefer to work in a newspaper or for a website than on television or radio. Obviously I prefer to work outdoor, because I want to be present at the most important sporting events. Not only football, although it is my favorite, I also like other sports like basketball and tennis. I would love to visit all the countries of the world thanks to my job. My dream is to be able to attend the soccer World Cup and tour the country that organizes it, besides to going to the field where the great final of the Champions League is played. Honestly, I am aware that my salary as a journalist